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Quex [June 22 2024, D: + 1.6666666... years, C: -5.166... years (NAC: D > +20 months, C > -62 months)] {C: 24.3902439% | B: 75.609756...%) {Index: 24.39024390... /100}

Quex [June 22 2024, D: + 1.6666666... years, C: -5.166... years (NAC: D > +20 months, C > -62 months)] {C: 24.3902439% | B: 75.609756...%) {Index: 24.39024390... /100}


Clone from
Quex [May 22 2024, D: + 1.583333... years, C: -5.25 years (NAC: D > +19 months, C > -63 months)] {C: 23.17073171 % | B: -76.82926829%) {Index: 23.17073171 /100}
0 likes, 281 views
Popular derived scenes
Quex [July 22 2024, D: + 1.75 years, C: -5.083333... years (NAC: D > +21 months, C > -61 months)] {C: 25.60975609756098% | B: -74.39024390243902%) {Index: 25.60975609756098 /100}
0 likes, 333 views